The company brand is used for communicating with all stakeholders, especially with foreign partners (importing companies, distributors), but also with local suppliers (beekeepers).
Fileomera has the advantage of being one of the oldest brand names in the Romanian honey industry. Fileomera already has an image as a leader in the marker – a serious, honest and trustworthy partner for both local and international partners.
Fileomera brand is used for wholesale distribution and B2B communications with international partners. The brand is visible on all the 300 liter barrels the company delivers worldwide.
product brand
Transylvanian Honey
a retail brand, developed for B2C markets, covering a product range comprised of high-quality, affordable, packaged products (glass jars).
The brand focuses on the geographical origin of the product (the region of Transylvania – known for its rural areas, its wilderness, its cultural heritage and unique charm) and has as main differentiator the medieval Făgăraș fortress, from the hometown of the company.